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College News From Around the World

Kimberlee Parton
Staff Writer


New Delhi, India In a landmark event, India’s Delhi University has decided to acknowledge transgender students by giving them a third option on their graduate application forms. Prior to this, transgender students were forced to apply and register as either male or female. This event follows a federal ruling earlier this year by India’s Supreme Court, which recognized transgender people as a third gender. Delhi University plans to also include the third gender option for undergraduate student applications starting the 2015-2016 academic year.


Cambridge, England, UK Have a sweet tooth? The prestigious University of Cambridge is looking for someone to earn their PhD. in…chocolate? The Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology is looking for a graduate research candidate who will be studying ‘the fundamentals of heat-stable chocolate,’ in an effort to discover how to keep chocolate from melting in high temperatures.


Cairo, Egypt Amid a new law that passed last November that restricts street demonstrations, students of Sunni origin, who are also supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, began a destructive on-campus march that spilled into the streets of Cairo. Protesters threw rocks at campus buildings, resulting in broken windows, after which police fired tear gas in retaliation.


Stanford, CA, USA Powered only by a AAA battery, professor Hongjie Dai and fellow researchers at Stanford University have developed a way to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas using iron and nickel. This is the first time scientists are able to use cheap, non-precious metals to split water at a low voltage. The gases produced can potentially be used as electricity to power cars with absolutely zero carbon emissions.

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