Tag Archives: trend

Cons Of The Gluten-Free Trend: What To Consider Before Trying It

Courtney Becker
Contributing Writer

Ever thought about going Gluten-Free? As the trend grows rapidly in the United States, (with the market size increasing from $2.3 billion in 2009 to over $3.16 billion in 2013), it’s important to stop and look at the facts before making the huge decision to give up gluten entirely from your diet. With media portraying a gluten-free trend as a positive and healthy choice, one would think that giving it up would be a wise and health conscious decision, but the truth lies farther than what is shown in today’s popular media. Here is some evidence of why going gluten-free may not be as healthy as it seems. Continue reading Cons Of The Gluten-Free Trend: What To Consider Before Trying It