Comments on: A Letter from the Editors to Best Coast and their Fans Sun, 06 Dec 2015 16:58:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emily Mon, 12 Oct 2015 01:51:51 +0000 This is a total joke. A dude could get up there and snarl at the audience and play okay guitar and walk off the stage the second he’s done and no one would bat an eye. Not only are you absolutely being totally sexist, but this is the saddest justification I’ve read in awhile. Playing music in a band as your job is not about how you look OR how you “interact with the audience.” Maybe someone back stage was totally rude to her or maybe she was having a bad night (which even musicians are allowed to have, believe it or not). Or MAYBE she was focusing on her songs, which is like … the reason you’re supposed to go to shows, right? Not to pretend like you made a really great connection because the band smiled at you or said something generic like “San Francisco you’re the best!” I hope you all look back on this and realize how wrong you are.

By: AC Sat, 10 Oct 2015 01:17:47 +0000 This response is disappointing, at best. The review was hugely sexist, and there was an opportunity to learn from it and react accordingly. Just because you, the editor, can’t see that doesn’t make the sexism untrue. Many of us are able to see it. There’s room to grow here.

By: Natalie recalcitrant Sat, 10 Oct 2015 01:10:48 +0000 Exactly, where were the comments about Bobb Bruno’s appearance? Oh yeah.. Thats right

By: Natalie recalcitrant Sat, 10 Oct 2015 01:08:00 +0000 So in other words sorrynot sorry and it wasnt sexist. Yes it was. Focusing on her outfit and comnenting on her apoearance and specifically mentioning hwr lack of a smile is sexist. He felt entitled to a smile and even write straight up about her outfit.

Bethany herself said she didnt care about the bad review of the performance and no one is disputing that, but by specifically ignoring his leering comment abiut her looks and mentioning her smile isblatant apologism for his shitty behaviour. And I dont give a shit how long he’s bern writing for the foghorn, this piece of writing and the fact the editors saw fit to publish it and defend his sexism speaks volumes.

Dobt bother covering rape, campus rape (and the huge toxic culture if dilence where perlertrators are protected at the ecpense of their traumatised victim) or violence againat women because youd be massive hypocrites perpetuating sexist attitudes which us the root cause of Vaw.

Well done editors , well done.

By: Nick S Fri, 09 Oct 2015 21:54:30 +0000 When every person who’s commented on your article has given you the same feedback, maybe you need to swallow your pride and admit that college students are capable of mistakes. The Foghorn desperately needs some humility.
